
8 Easy Ways To Educate Kids Who Are Visual Learners!

  • Kritika Rathi
  • 5654

If your child is responding more excitedly to concepts and ideas that are shown to him rather than listening or reading than you’ve got a visual learner right there. Visual learners usually find it much easier to draw or see the object rather than using words to express.

By the way, the child reacts to things shown, you can see that its understanding is much better this way! These children like to get a different perspective to everything that they see and thus they learn the quickest in a suitable environment!

These simple ways can help every parent and mentor to teach visually sensitive children easily!

1. Maths Manipulatives Are The Answer

These children learn mathematics even more quickly if every problem can be explained with the help of a 3D manipulative.  Demonstrations through sketches, blocks, cubes, legos, monopoly money (or real money), dice are easy but valuable tools to help them learn maths by looking at Maths. Use colors to code operations for a clear view. For example Circumference of a circle can be shown by creating a circle formation with the students in class or addition can be taught by giving a number of chocolate and using them as instruments.

2. Storytelling Can Be Very Easy

When they are reading the stories, give them some time to visualize the scene as per their comprehension and then getting them to imagine the situation so that they remember the scenes vividly while writing. Get them to explain the stories to them with ample amount of animated hand movements and you’ll know if they’ve grasped things the correct way!

3. Assessments And Revisions With A Twist

Allow these students to show if they’ve understood the concept by asking them to build models of it. For example: Clay figures or drawings to display the stories they’ve read, miniatures of a history event, straws and other industrial materials to show a structure of an atom. Along with this, give them some extra time to write and explain the answers because converting visual ideas into words might take some time.

4. Step By Step Learning Science

There are a lot of models and dummies representing different concepts in science, such as in biology from something as basic as photosynthesis to soil formations. Using illustrations are much more helpful for them to follow through the different topics. Make use of software that help to create visuals if it’s not possible physically! Chemistry experiments, practical assignments, and team related projects are very productive.

5. Break Down And Associate Objects For Faster Registration!

Visually sensitive children often find it overwhelming to take in a lot of data at one time. Thus, breaking down the data into easy forms helps them process faster. Object association makes this even easier. This can be done by giving adequate breaks between different topics and giving them time to associate the topic being discussed with anything that they can visualise and register.

6. Drawing & Modelling Shapes As A Medium!

Make them draw words and letters so that they remember this for a longer time. Many children find it useful to model the letters and alphabets with clay or anything that can be molded into a desired shape. This is very useful for children who are dyslexic and have bigger issues with writing down what they intend to. This simplifies the learning process for them.

7. Everyday At School!

Let the child keep a journal where he/she can maintain any thoughts, images, sketches, paper cuttings and any other inspirations that it encounters during school days. After school, let him spend some quality time on the internet revising what he has learnt with help of image and video representations. Spend a good amount of time watching beneficial television shows like Nat Geo, Discovery channel for starters.

8. Playtime Can Be Learning Time Too

Give them books that are heavily illustrated and play games like Pictionary, lego, puzzles etc that stimulate the visual zones inside the brain. Ask him questions that are not related to the syllabus like “what is your ideal type of school?” These lighter forms of learning will help him focus better in return! Watch a lot of movies together, go to museums. There are a lot of apps on the phone that could help children learn better too.


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Kritika Rathi

A writer, fashion designer and brand consultant, my love for animals and creativity has made me try my hand at various things.

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