Fitness & Nutrition

Hemp Up Your Day With A Protein-Rich Superfood From India Hemp & Co.

  • Rithika Ramesh
  • 29132

When Shalini Bhattacharya developed a chronic debilitating back condition in 2017, she tried every possible way to alleviate her back pain. MRIs, CAT scans and physiotherapy were suggested to get to the root of the problem. But nothing conventional or alternative worked.

Her sister Jayanti says, “We got a little worried. It was very scary for us to witness it because pain changes you as a person.”

A long-time Barcelona resident, Shalini went back to Barcelona from India after trying everything she could. There she heard about people using a plant extract called CBD for chronic pain. She tried to research and find out what was in it that seemed to be working when everything else failed.

She soon figured that CBD comes from the hemp plant which is very much native to India and its curative and restorative powers have been harnessed since ancient times. It even finds a mention in the Vedas. Often confused with the marijuana plant, the hemp plant is actually a cousin and is legally grown all over the world. Hemp contains little (less than 0.3%) to no THC which is what differentiates it from its psychotropic cousin, and it only works as a nutritional enhancement.


“My mum and I had just finished a trip to the valley of flowers and we saw the hemp plant being grown all over the Himalayas,” says Shalini. With all of their extensive travel to the Himalayas, both the sisters had seen how the plant grows almost wild all around there. This gave them the impetus to dive into the world of hemp.

They realised that hemp was a versatile plant and one that was truly sustainable. Every single part of the plant can be used, and it grows very easily without being too resource-intensive or needing pesticides and herbicides. India Hemp & Co. came to fruition right at the beginning of the pandemic.

“Both of us lead very sustainable lifestyles. Hemp is a zero-waste plant. It became a natural fit for us with who we are as people, what we wanted for the planet and how we wanted to do business together”, adds Shalini.

Sisters, Jayanti and Shalini, founders of India Hemp & Co.



As one of the early movers in the business of hemp, India Hemp & Co. have been lucky to have been incubated by the prestigious IIMB. They even got to present their brand on the national stage at Shark Tank India.

“We had to really go through a rigorous process to get in to Shark Tank India. After going through multiple interviews and pitches, we were selected to pitch to the Sharks from among 65,000 entries”, says Jayanti.

Jayanti as seen on Shark Tank India
Image Courtesy: Shark Tank India

They appreciate how much of a risk the producers of the show were taking since hemp is still in a very grey area for a lot of people. They were not promised that their segment would be aired since the legalities of talking about hemp on national television were not clear.

“We got really lucky because just before we went on Shark Tank, the FSSAI announced that hemp could officially be classified as food. We realise it will take a lot of work to convince people with all the misconceptions surrounding it,” adds Jayanti, “but we really wanted this platform for hemp. We had to turn down an offer from one of the sharks and we are on the lookout for investors who will align with our vision for India Hemp & Co.".

Presenting India Hemp & Co. to the Sharks
Image Courtesy Sony Liv

With this platform Jayanti believes they were able to get their brand recognised nationally and also awareness of hemp, “we have got to witness the healing powers of this plant first hand,” she adds.


India Hemp & Co has been able to put together an assortment of ways this superfood can be included daily for the entire family. Hemp is safe for people of all ages, even babies. Hemp can be included as part of the family meals as it is a great plant-based source of protein, fiber, vitamins A and B6. Hemp is also high in omega 3 and healthy fats making it a great addition for cardiovascular health and its anti-inflammatory properties. Hemp also boosts joint and brain health.


They also have a separate line of products for our furry friends which includes Hemp seed oil and hemp treats for dogs, Hemp seed oil for cats. The oils work towards reducing anxiety, calming digestive and skin disorders and improving gut health for animals, especially senior dogs. The high-protein hemp treats have been created to support bone, joint and heart health for the animals.

“We did a lot of research and saw hemp work its magic on our own dog. We’re the only hemp company that makes hemp treats for pets without additives, colouring or preservatives. It took us a whole year to refine the pet treats. We really wanted to give people a healthy option for dogs which was also tasty,” notes Jayanti.



The nutritional benefits notwithstanding, the greatness of hemp also lies in its power to be an all-natural restorative panacea for a variety of health concerns. There is no doubt that as a plant, hemp is one of the most sustainable options available for its various uses.

When people are working on ways to adopt preventive lifestyles to keep their bodies healthy, hemp works in many ways without having to undergo too much processing as we see with other forms of concentrated plant proteins.

India Hemp & Co, Protein, Football, Jayanti

As an active sportsperson, Jayanti herself adds the India Hemp & Co. Hemp Protein Powder to her daily smoothie and tops it up with their hemp hearts. Jayanti says, “I do notice my metabolism is higher since I play football for over two hours, so I need something that is nutrient-dense, like hemp, which keeps me full for longer”.

Jayanti and Shalini get to hear about many transformational stories of people who have started using their products. One customer who had a skin condition was able to drastically improve it after using their hemp seed oil. Many have written in to tell them about the benefits they have seen after introducing hemp to their diets like lesser breakouts on the skin and even with hormonal imbalances.


“Since I live in Barcelona, it gives me a great insight into the future of hemp for us as a brand,” says Shalini.

With so many advantages working in its favour, the time is right to switch over to adding plants like hemp into our diets and lifestyles. It is truly remarkable in many ways.

To see all of India Hemp & Co.'s products click here.
To see all of India Hemp & Co.'s products for pets click here.

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Rithika Ramesh

Managing Editor at with previous experiences in film-making, writing and vegan baking. She is a long-time vegan and a habitual researcher.

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