Bikini Body secrets
Fashion & Beauty

How to get Bridget Malcom’s Victoria’s Secret Bikini body

  • Tina Fernandez
  • 21994

Bridget Malcolm is a proud vegan and has been on the plant-based diet for many years!

Who doesn’t want a body like a Victoria’s Secret angel? Well according to Australian model Bridget Malcolm it’s not as hard as it looks. On her blog, she talks about how eating and being healthy is a lifestyle and that reflects in her overall wellbeing. Her commitment to being vegan and eating yummy vegan food is what attributes to her appearance. She is a self-confessed vegetable lover and shares her views on all things related to these topics on her blog. We’ve gone through Bridget’s posts with a fine-toothed comb and picked out her best health tips so that we too can look like a VS angel!  Here is what she has said:

1. I always leave 12-14 hours between my last bite of food at night and my first bite of food in the morning. I guess you could call this intermittent fasting – but I have never really been a big breakfast person. Basically, if the sun is up, I eat. If it is dark, I don’t.

2. Every meal, the hero is vegetables. I eat a lot of them every single day. I hate our societies obsession with protein – if we were as obsessed with hitting our fibre needs, I believe the diseases of affluence would be greatly reduced.

3. Find a workout that gives you maximum gains for the least amount of energy. This is a new one for me – I used to grind cardio for hours, never see a difference and feel awful all the time. Once I shifted to resistance training I felt better, looked better and had so much more time and energy!

4. If you really want a desert, eat a lighter main. If you are really after something decadent for your main, then opt out on a desert.

Bikini Body workout
Image Courtesy Bridget Malcolm/Instagram

5. I have a serving of around fifteen or more grams of protein a meal. This looks like servings of lentils, tempeh, tofu, protein shakes and nuts. Year round, however, I really don’t pay attention to protein intake. I start my day with a protein shake 365 days a year that packs around 30 grams of protein, and the rest of the day I ignore it completely. It is a myth that we need huge amounts of it to stay healthy and thriving; a myth that is killing the general population slowly. Vegetables have more in them than you would think!

6. Opt for grilled, steamed, broiled, boiled, roasted, baked or poached over fried or sautéed. Avoid anything breaded.

7. I always have homemade hummus on hand. I love it. I don’t eat meat or dairy – hummus is all I need. I eat pretty much constantly – it’s awesome – and focus on higher calorie foods. My favourites are nuts such as almonds, walnuts, avocados and fats and oils.

Vegan Food
Image Courtesy Bridget Malcolm/Instagram

8. Snack on raw fruits and vegetables only. And try not to snack at all. My go to is always cherry tomatoes, I always carry them on me!

9. Start your day with a plant-based protein shake

10. At the end of the day, with food, if it feels right then do it. I know my eating habits seem extreme to a lot of people (a gallon of water a day? Not eating for twelve hours each night?! CHERRY TOMATOES??!!) But it makes me feel good and energetic. So listen to your body and do what feels right.

It may not sound easy, but some of these tips could definitely be worth it especially if you look like Bridget at the end of it!

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Tina Fernandez

Meal planning, binge TV watching and chilling with my cat.

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