
Over 500 People Take To The Streets Of Mumbai To Urge People To Go Vegan

  • Rithika Ramesh
  • 1612

30th May 2022 

Over 500 people gathered on a Saturday evening at Carter Road in Bandra, Mumbai for the Animal Liberation March 2022.

The march was put together by activists from all over the country to raise a voice against cruelty being meted out to animals in the meat and dairy industries.

The march which started at Carter Road in Bandra saw hundreds of people take to the streets to educate and implore people to live a cruelty-free way of life and “go vegan”.

ALMI 2022 mumbai
Image courtesy: Amjor Chandran

Many participants termed it as 'India’s biggest march for animals'.

An earlier such march was organised in 2019, but due to the lockdowns and ensuing curfews it was not possible to conduct it after that.

Shweta Salva, Founder of UFCI was a co-organiser of the march. She said, “We had a few hiccups in getting the permission for the march, but I am glad we got it on time and could announce it so more people could come.

150 people came from outside Mumbai, some travelling 24-28 hours by train and bus to get here in time!”

Image courtesy: Amjor Chandran


The march saw people chanting slogans in English, Hindi and Marathi. Many also had prepared posters with images from the animal industry to drive home their point.

The march also saw people from all over the country come together. People from Chennai, Indore, Delhi came to Mumbai a day in advance so they could take part.

Nitin Jain who joined the march from Bengaluru said, “The primary aim of this march was to create awareness about Veganism and demand justice for animals.

We did this with the help of placards and slogans that stressed all animal products be it meat, eggs, dairy, leather, etc come from the exploitation of animals and one must go vegan to stand against animal injustice.

We were able to educate the bystanders and also took this message to the wider public through media and social media.”

“We were expecting about 250-300 people, but I was surprised to see more than 500 people at the march standing up for the animals,” Shweta added.

The rally also saw people of all ages participate, from young kids to senior citizens.

Image courtesy: Amjor Chandran


Slogans like “What do we want? Animal Liberation; When do we want it? NOW” were heard.

The participants aimed to inspire people to think about how their choices affect the other beings on the planet. Not only that, they also wanted to draw the attention of the people towards the impact animal agriculture is having on our planet.

There was also a call to end ‘speciesism’.

Chintan Siriya, a resident of Mumbai said, “Even thinking about the massive turnout of 500+ for the Animal Liberation March gives me goosebumps. I now know for sure that a vegan world is not a very distant dream! There were people who travelled for 1-2 days to reach the venue from different and faraway states, something which I have not seen in any other animal related or even other marches,” while thanking the organisers of the event.



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Rithika Ramesh

Managing Editor at with previous experiences in film-making, writing and vegan baking. She is a long-time vegan and a habitual researcher.

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