hemp seeds, india, plant based protein

The Benefits Of Eating Hemp Hearts Daily Can Surprise You

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Have you come across any food that is known to have multiple benefits such as sharpened memory, detoxification, increased energy?

You could eat this for helping you with weight loss, or eat it to get more energy. Eat it for alleviating stress, or eat it for reducing inflammation. This superfood is highly underrated and untapped. We're talking about hemp. 

This superfood dates back as long ago as we can remember and has been vouched for it in our ancient Vedic texts. Modern-day science too, has acknowledged it's benefits and contributions in a variety of areas. 

So what makes this food a superhero?  Let’s go through some of the many benefits of this one seed:
Nature has given us everything in abundance, so why should you rely on packaged drugs and alter your biochemistry. It's quite simple actually, let nature nurture. 

Just 2-3 tablespoons of these Hemp Hearts can add a nutrition boost to your diet. Consume them raw or just sprinkle a drizzle on your diet, blend them into smoothies and shakes or even make milk out of them.  You can add them to your rice, daal, sabzi, salads, fruit-bowls, khichdi, pasta, shakes or juices. 

Hemp Hearts are a powerhouse of nutrients and are known to be one of the world's best superfood. Let’s tell you why! 


Hemp Hearts are considered a complete source of protein as they have all 20 amino acids, 9 essential and 2 semi-essential amino acids. Our body cannot produce these amino acids on its own. In fact, Hemp Hearts have the highest amount of Edestin protein in the entire world. Edestin is a highly active digestible form of active protein, which results in efficient absorption of nutrients. 

Hemp seeds have got high amounts of albumin protein as well, the same protein that gives eggs their glory, except what sets Hemp apart is that it’s completely plant-based, non-GMO and 100% organic.  Just by adding 2-3 tablespoon of Hemp Hearts into your diet, you meet the daily dietary requirements. Isn't that amazing?


Hemp Seeds on Banana-Pineapple Smoothie – thehealthyfamilyandhome.com




With a high concentration of essential fatty acids, the transport oxygen to cells throughout the body. When cells have more oxygen, they’re better equipped to block bacterial, fungal and viral infections. 

Hemp Seeds provide plenty of nutrients, like vitamin E and a bevy of minerals, such as phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium and iron. 
All of these contribute in supporting immunity at a cellular level and creating antibodies to fight those free radicals and bacteria in the body that we want to stay away from. 


Yes, Hemp Hearts are not just superfoods, they’re brain foods as well! 

The high levels of magnesium, amino acids, and B vitamins in Hemp Hearts make them a natural solution to alleviating stress. 
How? Magnesium works the neurotransmitter functions in our bodies known to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. Also, due to their perfect omega content, Hemp Hearts can definitely help in combatting stress.

Hemp seeds are also one of the richest sources of magnesium, containing 45 percent in just 3 tablespoons. Most types of greens and vegetables don’t even contain half of that in one cup! Do you hear the word superfood being screamed at you again? 


In the world we all live in today, there's a lot that is demanded from each one of us as we are always subjected to constant stimuli from the external world. 
Therefore, it is crucial to maintain our most important asset which is our brain, and give it the right fuel so that it can function in full capacity, yielding maximum productivity. 

Hemp Hearts have been known to improve focus and cognitive functioning. They contain brain-friendly antioxidants, omega fats, essential vitamins, and minerals. In a nutshell, these tiny seeds are everything you’ll need for brain nutrition, no wonder they’re famously called ‘brain-food’.


We all know how important a healthy gut is, it is called our second brain. So the importance of fiber is intimately tied with the importance of our gut microbes. A proper fiber diet literally feeds and makes these bacteria thrive which aids our digestion. Intestinal health, gut microbe balance, and gastric juices are a delicate system, and it’s important we take good care of it by adding fiber rich foods in our diet. 

There are two main kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in your gut. It's a valuable source of nutrients for beneficial digestive bacteria and may also reduce spikes in blood sugar and regulate cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and may help food and waste pass through your gut, removing toxins. It has also been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes.

Hemp Seeds are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fibres, giving you a dual benefit. A simple change of just adding Hemp Seeds to your soup for that extra fiber nutrition could make a huge difference in how you feel.





Let’s be honest here ladies, we’ve all at some point suffered from severe mood swings, period cramps that have driven us crazy, or made us drive all the others crazy. 
 But did you know you could combat all that craze with these seeds alone? Hemp Seeds are beginning to pave the way for a direct correlation to reducing the symptoms and pain associated with PMS and menopause. It all surfaces around a hormone called prolactin which is closely related to the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS.
Due to the high level of (Gamma-linolenic acid )GLA found in Hemp Seeds, further studies have proved that Hemp also reduces symptoms associated with menopause. The overall effect of Hemp on health issues such as stress and a reduction in inflammation also contribute to improving the experience by minimizing pain.


Hormones are chemical messengers that are released by glands or cells. 
They have a wide variety of purposes in our bodies, from regulating growth to regulating the immune system. When there is an imbalance in the hormones in our body, we can feel irritable, encounter sleep problems, acne, memory fog, fatigue, hair loss, mood swings, weight gain, dry skin, headaches, and more.
However, wise lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on hormone balance.
Hemp contains the perfect ratio of essential fatty acids that the human body needs (3:1). This has the power to keep your hormone levels in check, keeping you feeling steady and balanced at all times.


Prevention is better than cure and we’ve all heard that, but how many of us follow it?
Heart Disease now is the leading cause of disease burden and death in India, with strokes being the fifth leading cause. It makes us wonder why so many people are susceptible to this disease. 

The problem lies in a poor lifestyle, with poor eating habits. The food you’re eating could be the poison, but it very well could be the solution too. 

Many people have improved their health drastically and improved the functioning of their heart through just diet alone.

So what foods can really make the big impact? You guessed it right, Hemp Hearts surely do live up to their name! 

As you can tell, they boost heart functioning as they contain the amino acid Arginine and the Gamma-Linolenic Acid which is an anti-inflammatory omega 3, both of these are responsible for lowering blood pressure and reducing your risk of heart disease. 
They are also rich in phytonutrients and anti-aging antioxidants such as vitamin E, that protect the cardiovascular system from any damage.


Hemp Seed Pesto – jcookingodyssey.com


Inflammation happens in everyone, whether you're aware of it or not. So we're all in some way or the other suffering from it. Since Hemp Hearts have an ideal ratio of Omega 6 & 3 in a 3:1 ratio, they’re just perfect for your body to absorb. It’s like fitting a lock and key together, the ratio just fits! 

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), an omega 3,  works in the body as an anti-inflammatory messenger helps people suffering from muscle pain, arthritis, and eczema. 
It also supports healthy hair, skin, and nails. 

Hemp Hearts surely are a powerhouse of nutrients; they are one of the world's best superfoods. We’ll leave you with a fun fact: out of all the 3 million+ edible plants grown on Mother Earth, there’s not a single plant source that compares to the nutritional value of Hemp Seeds. Isn’t that simply mind-blowing? 

You could shop for 100% organic, raw, natural, vegan, preservative-free, Hemp Hearts here at  India Hemp Organics .


Read: 7 Incredible Omega 3 Rich Vegan Foods

Read More: Best Vegan Sources of Protein



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