The BodyWeight Bootcamp | Roshni Sanghvi, Nutritionist & Fitness Trainer | VeganFirst Exclusive Offe

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Stay home, Stay Fit! Vegan First is excited to collaborate with Roshni Sanghvi, a plant-based nutrition specialist, for her online training program 'Bodyweight Bootcamp'. It is now officially open for sign-ups!

Vegan First Exclusive Offer of 50% - Use VEGAN50
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Bodyweight bootcamp is fun, innovative and inspiring! It's a completely online training program by plant- based transformation specialist Roshni Sanghvi. 

For a detailed description of the course by Roshni herself, watch this video (Different from the featured video),



The bootcamp itself is divided into three parts:

1) Fitness
The exercises selected specifically for this program are for beginners to intermediate level. It is a completely bodyweight based program, so you will not need any form of equipments except a yoga mat or a big towel. 

We will train live together, live, two times a week for 50- 60 minutes and you will have one more day of training by yourself using Roshni's fitness app.  

The point of this bootcamp is to feel better and improve your posture and gait. Different forms of fitness such as Animal Flow, Vinyasa Yoga, BodyShred and SnC to strengthen spinal mobility and improve join function will be used. 

The live group session will be held mornings and evenings. If the time slot does not match you, do not worry, since a link to our session will be mailed for you to practice at your convenient time. 

2) Nutrition
Nutrition is 80% of a fit lifestyle and often get's side tracked to fitness. Besides a weekly nutrition plan and grocery list, Roshni will come live once in a week to go over recipes and answer questions. She will be introducing you to 100% plant- based eating all the wonderful benefits it has to offer. 

How is a nutrition plan different from a diet plan? Let's give you an example, a diet plan will say to have one cup rice and one cup daal for lunch, but a nutrition plan will say to have one type of grain and one type of lentil for lunch. Now you choose your grain and lentil. It could be roti (grain being wheat) and stir fry mung beans (lentils) or Ragi balls and sambhar or even daal- chawal. Choose what you like the best so it is a lifestyle change and not a temporary diet. 

How is this better? Well a healthy body is also intuitive in nature. Your intuition should tell you what to eat and when to stop. We often mask these signals with technology (like watching TV while eating) or lack of nutrients (leading to junk food cravings). This masking of signals leads of obesity. Your body wants to be healthy, just remove the masks and you will see how quickly it springs back to health. No scale should tell us how much to eat or what to eat. which comes to our third part,

3) Lifestyle Modification
We all have gone on 'fat loss programs' only to fall of the wagon and gain more weight later. The only true way to sustain a transformation is via lifestyle modification. 

Lifestyle modification simply means making small and sustainable lifestyle changes a permanent part of you. For example, starting your day with a common kitchen herb that is naturally a gentle laxative like mint leaves. This will wake up your digestive system and keep your colon healthy. Your gut is where 80% of diseases arise and it is very important to keep the good gut bacteria growing. Greens like mint leaves are also loaded with fiber which acts as a natural appetite suppressants. Making sure you naturally feel fuller and consume only enough calories during the day. 

In this program we will challenge ourselves to making two small lifestyle changes per week and stick with them. Aiming for two is simple and does not put an additional load on our day. As we get comfortable with them at the end of the week, we will add two more and so on. By the time you finish the program, you will have adopted 8 new, healthy habits comfortably fit into your daily lifestyle.

What if you slip and fail, don't worry! An entire team of people just like you are here to motivate you back up! In no time, you will be back on track. It is not about how many times you fall, but how quickly you get up after every fall.  

This is what you can expect from the program:

-Exercise routine to keep you challenged and excited.

-Detailed nutrition plan and grocery list sent weekly.

-Improvement in your cholesterol levels.

-Improvement in the waist/ hip ratio.

-Develop a healthy eating schedule.

-Improved immunity and recovery.

-Better posture and joint mobility.

-Improvement in energy levels. 

- Improved digestive health. 

- Lifestyle modification tips.

-Better sleep.

-A community of like-minded people to guide you forever.

Use coupon code 'VEGAN50' to avail 50% discount on the course. 

To Contact/Register:


Read: Meet Roshni Sanghvi - The Gutsy Vegan Fitness Expert
Read More: 7 Indians are on Top of Their Fitness Game



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