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The Difference Between Vegetarianism And Veganism

  • VeganFirstDaily
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The terms vegetarianism and veganism are often confused by most people. While a vegetarian diet has been around since 700 BC, veganism is a relatively recent concept. People who choose to go vegetarian for animals usually consider themselves to be cruelty-free since they don’t consume meat. However, that doesn’t mean animals aren’t being harmed.

To expand on the nuances, we’re doing a little vegans vs. vegetarians exercise here today, where we break down the subtle (and not so subtle!) differences between the two.

Here are 7 big ways in which vegans are different from vegetarians:


1. Vegans Do Not Consume Dairy



The main reason for abstaining from dairy is the animal cruelty in the dairy industry.

In order to produce milk, millions of cows are artificially inseminated, suffer the trauma of separation from their young ones, and are injected with hormones to increase their milk production. Their udders are hooked to mechanised milking machines for hours, resulting in severe pain and mastitis.

When their organs are worn out from the repeated cycle of impregnation and milk production, and they cannot produce enough milk to bring in profits, they are sent to slaughterhouses to be killed for beef or leather. 

This cycle of cruelty will persist as long as there's a demand for dairy in the market. Animal Equality recently launched a documentary which describes in detail the horrors of the dairy industry.

The alternative: Milks made from nuts, grains and fruits! 


2. Vegans Abstain From Wearing Wool And Silk



Just like any other animal, sheep’s wool protects them from extreme weather conditions. But, to cater to the apparel industry, sheep have been reduced to mere wool-producing machines.

Shearers are paid for the volume of wool they get, so dehairing is done at lightning speed . In this process, bits of a sheep's skin, tails, and ears are torn off. Investigations show shearers punching, kicking and stomping on the animals. Male lambs are castrated without any painkillers and many others die due to starvation, neglect and abuse before they turn even a year old. 

Similarly, in the silk industry, silkworms are boiled alive inside their cocoons to obtain the silk thread.

The alternative: Synthetic flannel and Polyester wool


3. Vegans Do Not Support Animal Rides


Via Giphy


Our country takes pride in its elephants and tigers. Any Hollywood movie featuring India is most likely to show an elephant ride in Rajasthan or Kerala.

But did you know - baby elephants are stolen from their mothers to be ‘trained’ - done by breaking them mentally and emotionally - so that people can climb on their backs? Just like animals are trained to perform tricks in a circus, elephants are forcefully trained to take people on rides. Most of them experience immense stress and exhaustion from this.

The alternative: Walk or hike to your destinations!


4. Vegans Don’t Eat Honey


via rebloggy

Bees produce honey to feed themselves during winters. A honeybee typically produces only one-twelfth of a spoon of honey in its entire life.

Do the math - imagine the number of bees it would take to produce the amount of honey required for our personal consumption. To meet the demand, bees are bred artificially, fed unhealthy sugar substitutes instead of honey and their hives are usually destroyed using cyanide after the harvest. Moreover, Queen bees have their wings clipped off to prevent them from flying off anf starting a new colony. This is the reason vegans don't eat honey.

The alternative: Agave nectar, maple syrup, simple syrup and sugar.


5. Vegans Never Wear Leather


via Giphy

The reason why anyone would give up leather products is simple - it’s made up of a dead animal’s skin.

The alternative: Faux leather, Rexine, and pleather


6. Vegans Are Completely Against Animal Fighting As A Spectator Sport



A couple of years ago, there was a huge debate to legalize the traditional spectacle, Jallikattu in which a bull is released into the crowd and people attempt to grab it. Though the activity got a green signal after huge public outcry, it doesn’t conceal the truth that tradition or not, it is a form of animal cruelty. Apart from Jallikattu, cock and dog fights are also prominent, which are not supported by vegans.

The alternative: Doing anything that cruelty-free!


7. Vegans Do Not Support Zoos



Confining wild animals in cages or artificial environments for entertainment purposes is the reason vegans are against zoos. It involves separating them from their natural habitats and in many cases abusing them.

The alternative: Visiting animal shelters!



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Read: This 26-year-old Indian Created an App for Animal Rescue

Read more: I quit Milk and Regained my Health



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