Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Announces $100 Million Investment in Plant-Based Industry
- Harsh Shah
- 6.4 K

Pamela Anderson to PM Justin Trudeau: "Nothing is Sexier than Compassion"; Offers to be Vegan Mentor
- Harsh Shah
- 2.7 K
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) Actively Promotes a Plant-based Diet
- Sufiya FZ
- 3.2 K

Protect Your Skin & Hair Daily With IN2 Nutrition's Vegan Protein Packed With 9 Amino Acids
- PaidPartnership .
- 13 K

Indian Plant Protein Startup ‘Proeon’ Earns A Spot In American-Japanese Global Accelerator Program
- Stuti Verma
- 4.9 K
Meet The First Hemp Brand To Be Featured On Shark Tank India: India Hemp & Co
- PaidPartnership .
- 66.9 K