Should Governments Support the Upcoming Alternate Protein Sector To End World Hunger?
- Rithika Ponnala
- 3.9 K

Plant & Bean to Open Europe’s Largest Production Facility in the UK for Plant-Based Meat
- VeganFirstDaily
- 15 K

Government Grants Supporting Plant Based Alternate Protein Development Globally In The Last 5 Years
- Rithika Ponnala
- 24.5 K
ProVeg International Incubator Selects Indian Mock Meat and Seafood Startup ‘Mister Veg’
- Stuti Verma
- 2.6 K

Indian Mock Meat Brand Gooddot Enters Global Market- Expands to Dubai, Nepal, South Africa & Canada
- Stuti Verma
- 17.8 K

IIT-Delhi Professor Creates Plant-Based Egg, Wins Contest by UNDP Accelerator Lab India
- Stuti Verma
- 7.2 K
Indian Mock Meat Startup ProMeat Uses Underutilized Indigenous Crop, Seeks Funds To Expand
- Stuti Verma
- 5.3 K

Alt Protein Company 'Redefine Meat' Creates Plant-Based Meat Using 3D Printers, Acquires $29M
- Stuti Verma
- 3.8 K