Bollywood Actor Ayesha Takia sends a Special message to Ahimsa Festival and Vegan First!
- VeganFirstDaily
- 3.9 K
PM Narendra Modi, Aamir Khan and Sadhu Vaswani are all Going Meatless on November 25th
- Praveesh Gulati
- 8.9 K
Another Bollywood Celebrity Akshay Kumar turned Vegan in January; here is what he eats in a day
- VeganFirstDaily
- 43.8 K
How Bollywood's Brand Ambassadors Are Making The Plant-Based Movement Mainstream In India
- Stuti Verma
- 3.3 K
Genelia D'Souza Deshmukh Takes Initiative To Donate 100,000 Vegan Meals To Indians Affected By Covid
- Stuti Verma
- 2.8 K